In his book Halloween The Terrors Tour Horror Characters T-Shirt . Van de Keuken dismisses the argument of companies that justify the production and sale of unhealthy or unethical products by claiming that they are simply meeting the perceived demand from consumers, Cheap Tshirts Store Online Shopping based on purchasing behaviour. He calls it nonsense. “Consumers may choose certain products like clothing and chocolate, but they don’t consciously choose the abuses that go hand in hand with their production. If only because they don’t have enough knowledge of the production methods. Also, there aren’t always alternatives that are produced in a clean way. Moreover, if you offer people beautiful, tasty, cheap goods, it’s logical that they want them,” argued Van de Keuken. Fast fashion – as in: fun, cheap trend clothing – is all the rage on the high street and is just as readily offered, or even forced upon us, in online environments. Think of advertising from the larger platforms on the internet and social media, or consider the questionable practices of Chinese giants. Temu for example, has been accused of using so-called dark patterns, forbidden techniques that manipulate consumers).
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You could argue Halloween The Terrors Tour Horror Characters T-Shirt . That the entire fashion industry – with the exception of a few – has become fast fashion. And by that I refer to an alternate meaning of fast fashion: as in ‘rapidly changing collections’. In 2013, my fellow journalist Don-Alvin Adegeest wrote ‘Fashion at breakneck speed?’. The title is still relevant in 2024, and you can remove the question mark. Ten new collections per year, weekly or even daily new fashion items on the shelves is commonplace, not only at so-called fast fashion companies like Zara and Shein, but also at luxury brands like Dior or Chanel and all price levels in between. Sustainable clothing is less ubiquitous, harder to find (because there’s less money for prominent shop fronts and advertising, to name but a few) and generally more expensive. Whereas if we were to calculate the damage of products back to the manufacturers, they would have a very different price, as Van de Keuken pointed out in his book. True Pricing is what it’s called. If we were to apply this to the fashion industry, clothing that is produced responsibly would become cheaper and fashion for which people are exploited and/or the environment is damaged would become more expensive.
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